At this time of leprechauns, four leaf clovers and luck of the Irish, it made me pause and think, 'How Lucky am I?' Answer: I am horribly unlucky! I have only ever won just one thing in my life. My parents took me to a small resort town when I was a tween. They wanted to go antique shopping, at that age, I wanted to scream. We walked in to a small shop that just happened to be having a bingo party. We sat down joined in and I actually won...a plastic green grape salt and pepper shaker set. Just exactly what I wanted, NOT!
I have bought the occasional raffle ticket or entered my name in store drawings. There is always a give away on some website or blog that I will put my name on. But have I ever won? Nope not once!
I am not a lucky girl, casinos would love me! I am not lucky but I am something so much more important, I am blessed! I have blessings too many to name. Blessings every day that just pleasantly turn up a new or the same repeat blessings. I am blessed with a wonderful family. I am blessed with such caring friends. I am blessed most of all by a God who really loves little ol' me! Every time I get the chance to get a hug from one of my loves, I am so reminded just how blessed I am.
I may not be the luckiest woman ever, but I am blessed beyond measure!
Take some time to count a blessing or two or more! It will make you feel so very great!!
* I went looking for a pic of the salt and pepper shakers I had won at one time. Wouldn't you know it.... NOW they are considered vintage! hahaha
Today I am crafting a handy apron, modeled here by my daughter. I am always cooking or cleaning and I will spend half of my time looking for a dishtowel to wipe my hands on. I decided I wanted one to wear, no more looking and wasting time!
First of all I found a packet of dishtowels with some cute colors that I thought I already had coordinating fabric for. These looked pretty cute!
I then measured two strips of a coordinating fabric in the measurements of 6 inches wide by 36 inches long. I folded this in half, wrong sides together and sewed down the sides and up the end.
I then turned this strip right side out and sewed the length of the strip close to the edges.
Then I measured my dish towel laying it with the longer length across and the shorter down and cut a length of a another coordinated fabric that was twice as wide and was two inches shorter. I then began to hem the full length of fabric on bottom and edges and then sewed a ruffle on the top. I then pinned this to my dish towel and joined the fabric to the dish towel.
Once that was completed, I folded the fabric down over the dish towel and pinned on the ties made of the strips of fabric in our first step.
I pinned the fabric down under the fabric ties and placed a length of ric rac on top of the fabric.
I then top stitched the upper portion of the fabric to the dishtowel, then sewed across the ric rac securing it to the dish towel and fabric. The next step was sewing across the fabric about 1.5 inches from the ric rac.
Up each side to join the ties in and it is all done! It took me about 30 minutes to complete. I think I may be making some for friends soon!
Enjoy today and count your blessings!
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Today's Creative Blog

Good idea!