Recently they decided that maybe they could do something more. In tribute to Greyson, Rachel and Nina created this blog to share how he lived. Greyson was full of life, he was a gift to everyone who had the blessing of knowing him. Rachel and Nina want to keep that memory alive, that all should remember that his memory should be about how he lived. I am impressed by these girls everyday. Take a look at their blog, let them bless your life too!
Today's little craft is super easy and super cute!
First of all, I found a few of these frames at Family Dollar for 25 cents. I bought the remainder that they had available. I love a good bargain!!
I took the back off and removed the fake tile from the backing.
Next, I glued on my choice of scrapbook paper to the back of the frame and added some rick rack for a stem.
Now you probably remember these from Valentine's Day.
I removed the stick and cut the heart in half, giving me two hearts with a flat side.
Then I coated them with white glue,
I put three different Martha Stewart glitters in shades of green in a container
I then coated the half hearts with the glitter and allowed to dry.
At this time it was just a matter of assembling it all together.
I added some green letters that spelled out LUCKY!.
And the final product......
And Enjoy!!!
Much blessings to you and yours today!!!
I am sharing my craft here...

Cute idea. Love the changes you've made to your blog!